Embracing Lent: A Season of Awakening and Renewal

``Lent comes providentially to awaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.``

Pope Francis

As we journey through this sacred season of Lent, I wanted to take a moment to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you for your unwavering support of Father McKenna Center.

Lent is a time of reflection, repentance, and renewal. It serves as a profound reminder to awaken from our slumber, to shake off the lethargy that may have settled in our hearts and minds, and to embrace the transformative power of compassion and service. Your generosity and compassion have been the bedrock of Father McKenna’s mission, providing hope, warmth, and sustenance to those who need it most. Whether through your donations or volunteering efforts you have been instrumental in bringing light into the lives of the homeless individuals we serve.

Let this Lenten season be a time of deep spiritual growth and profound renewal for each one of us. And may our collective efforts continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we are privileged to serve.
Thank you once again for your invaluable support and partnership. Together, we can make a lasting impact and create a brighter, more compassionate world for all.

With gratitude and blessings,

Dennis J. Dee
Executive Director
The Father McKenna Center
[email protected]